
We are collecting photos, videos and other memorabilia connected with the bluegrass community in Southeast Michigan. Please use the contact form if you have something to contribute. Watch this page grow, we have a lot to add!

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Nick Mladjan Photos

Nick Mladjan was a photographer of the bluegrass scene in Southeast Michigan for many years, and is a member of the Southeast Michigan Bluegrass Association Hall of Honor.

These photos were donated to the Association by his daughter, Judy Assenmacher. These photos have been posted with the comments that accompanied them.

Please feel free to comment or add information about the subjects.

If you want a full sized digital file of any photo send the name of the album and image via the contact form and include your email address.


Tim Ellis Donations

These photos are from the archive of Tim Ellis, a local banjo player. Tim's father, Fred Ellis was a promoter of bluegrass in the area.

Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/history/