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Hall of Honor Nominations

The Southeast Michigan Bluegrass Music Association Hall of Honor recognizes individual who have made significant contributions to the support, promotion and/or performance of bluegrass music in southeast Michigan.

Now accepting nominations!

  1. Any southeast Michigan bluegrass Music Association member in good standing may nominate someone for the “Hall of Honor”.
  2. Multiple nominations are allowed and encouraged.
  3. To nominate someone, please submit the person’s name with a short paragraph or two outlining their contribution(s) and wy you believe they should be considered for inclusion in the “Hall of Honor”.
  4. Nominations should be submitted by email to, or in person at any membership meeting. You may also mail nominations to SMBMA HOH, C/O Bill Warren, 6044 Niles Dr., Troy, MI 48098.
  5. The selection committee will meet periodically to judge potential honorees based solely on these nomination essays, and will forward recommendations to the board for approval.

You may download the nomination form here.

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