Mid-Michigan Folk Jam and Performances


November 19, 2023, 2-5 p.m. Woldumar Nature Center, 5739 Old Lansing Road, Lansing, MI. Suggested donation to support the Nature Center $5.

Good music is returning soon.  Mark your calendars, change your strings, rosin your bow, tune up, and make plans for a good time!

As usual, there will be jam circles, performances (let us know if you’d like to perform), and a potluck (bring finger food or a beverage to share if you’re inclined).  Thank you all for over four decades of bluegrass and folk music in mid-Michigan.  Thanks to Woldumar Nature Center for hosting again this year and our sponsors  (in the works!).

Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/mid-michigan-folk-jam-and-performances/