On Saturday August 3rd at 12 p.m. a Bluegrass Jamboree Fundraising Concert will be held at 5583 Webster Church Rd Dexter MI. Come jam with us, or just come listen to the bands. The Companion Band will kick off the entertainment at 12:30 followed by Cedar Creek, and the Next Paige. Wilson Thicket will close out the Concert. The village has kids activities and tour planned. There will be food trucks and ice cream as well as lots of jam circles.
The Association will be hosting the Petting Zoo from 1-2. If you’re planning to come we’d love for you to lend a hand with the zoo. This is an opportunity for kids of all ages to put instruments in their hands. If you are planning to join us, looking for people to help tune the instruments and help show participants a few chords or answer questions. We will also have scholarship forms and membership forms. Bring your own chair. Tickets are $25 for adults, $10 for those age 13-18 and free for those $12 and under. Looking forward to fun day. Come join us!
Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/instrument-petting-zoo-at-the-webster-historical-society-fund-raiser/
Filed under Events
May 19, 2024

May 26, 2024, 2-5 p.m. Woldumar Nature Center, 5739 Old Lansing Road, Lansing, MI. Suggested donation to support the Nature Center $5.
Good music is returning soon. Mark your calendars, change your strings, rosin your bow, tune up, and make plans for a good time!
As usual, there will be jam circles, performances (let us know if you’d like to perform), and a potluck (bring finger food or a beverage to share if you’re inclined). Thank you all for over four decades of bluegrass and folk music in mid-Michigan. Thanks to Woldumar Nature Center for hosting again this year and our sponsors (in the works!).
Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/mid-michigan-bluegrass-folk-jams-performances-4/
Filed under Events
May 15, 2024
On May 29, 8 p.m. cone on out for some great bluegrass at the Ark, 316 South Main Street in Ann Arbor! Cover only $16, $15 for seniors.

Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/rfd-boys-at-the-ark-in-ann-arbor/
Check out this article about our scholarship students.
- https://bluegrasstoday.com/woldumar-nature-center-monthly-jam-in-lansing/https://bluegrasstoday.com/woldumar-nature-center-monthly-jam-in-lansing/
Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/3125-2/
Finally, a chance to get together, visit, jam and have a great time! We are meeting on April 27 at 1 p.m.

Lisa and Bryan Paige of Paige Capo have generously offered their space for our meeting and jam. You may bring your beverage, and if you wish, a snack to share. Please follow the directions Lisa has provided. Please don’t follow GPS.
Directions: 11311 Moscow Road, We are on Moscow one mile north of 12 between 12 and Mosherville. If you are coming from the north we are 9 miles south of 60 on Moscow. We have a white farm fence.
Permanent link to this article: https://smbluegrass.org/jam-april-27-at-1-p-m/
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