The December meeting will be at the Kentuckians of Michigan, 28391 Bredow Rd. Romulus, MI 48174.
We will meet on Friday, December 4, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Please remember your membership card to get a $1 discount on admission. We will be jamming after a brief meeting and between sets. Plan to be with us!
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SMBMA will be meeting at the Kentuckians of Michigan on Friday, December 4, 2015, before the Kentuckians regularly scheduled Friday Bluegrass show. We are grateful to the Kentuckians for the opportunity to meet there. This serves a dual purpose, since we will be supporting a venue that presents bluegrass to the public. We will be jamming after a short business meeting until the regular show begins.
We selected this date because Hugh Fader of the Waynewood Boys is a member of the Association.
The details:
>Admission for the evening is discounted from $7 to $6 for SMBMA members.
>Bring your member card to take advantage of the discount.
>Everyone must pay the admission, this helps support the Kentuckians.
>Meeting at 5:30 p.m. and jam to follow.
>Dinner available from the Kentuckians Buffet, $9.
>Performance at 8 p.m. by the The Waynewood Boys, as scheduled by the Kentuckians, with jamming to continue between stage shows.
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On Saturday October 24, 2015, at 1 p.m. at KC Campground, the Association will sponsor a potluck and jam. Details:
- The campground is located at:14048 Sherman Road, Milan, MI 48160
- Bring instruments, dish to pass, your beverage, your significant other, your children, your neighbors, your friends!
- Spend the afternoon and enjoy jamming and good conversation.
The December meeting has been scheduled for the Kentuckians of Michigan, 28391 Bredow Rd. Romulus, MI 48174.
Friday, December 4, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Please remember your membership card to get a $1 discount on admission. We will be jamming after a brief meeting and between sets. Plan to be with us!
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Please join us at the September 15th meeting at KC Campground, 14048 Sherman Road, Milan, Michigan. the meeting begins at 7 p.m. and jamming will follow. Bring your own beverages and, if you wish, a snack to share.
Important decisions to be made include winter meeting places and dates, and Hall of Honor specifics and application form.
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The Parade of Stars Bluegrass Festival sponsored by the city of Auburn Hills is slated for September 12, 2015 from noon until 7 p.m. at in the Civic Center Park. Admission is $5.The Association will have a table at the event, and you can renew your membership at that time, if you haven’t already.
The bands appearing are: the Grascals, Detour, Feller & Hill and host band Special Consensus will be performing.
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